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Courtesy of Flour Advisory Bureau
Serve With:
Jam for breakfast or serve with fresh fruit as a dessert.
Servings: n/a
Prep Time: 3 Hr.
Cook Time: 18 Min.
What you need:
* 4 1/3 c. flour
* pinch of salt
* 1 Tbsp. sugar
* 2 tsp. dry yeast
* 1 1/4 c. butter
* 5 medium eggs, beaten
* 1 egg for glazing
* 1/4 c. milk
What to do:
1. Sift together the flour, salt, sugar and add the yeast.
2. Rub in the butter (use a pastry blender to break down the butter into small pieces and then rub it into the flour mixture until it resembles fine breadcrumbs).
3. Combine the eggs and milk and stir into the flour to make a soft dough.
4. Turn onto a lightly floured surface and knead until smooth and no longer sticky.
5. Put the dough in a clean bowl, cover with lightly oiled cling film and leave to rise in a warm, place for 1-1 1/2 hrs. until doubled in size.
6. Punch down the risen dough (push it with your fist to knock the air out of it). Grease 12 brioche tins (7cm/3in) or twelve large muffin tins.
7. Divide the dough into 12 even pieces. Then with each piece break off 1/3, use the larger piece to make a doughnut shaped piece of dough and place in the tin, roll the remaining piece into a ball and place it in the hole of the "doughnut".
8. Beat the remaining egg and glaze the tops of each brioche.
9. Cover with lightly oiled cling film and leave to rise until light and puffy- about 11/2 hrs.
10. Bake in preheated oven 425°F for about 18-20 min. until golden.
Cool on a wire rack.
Nutritional information:
Calories: 348;   Total Fat: 20g;   Saturated Fat: 11g;   Total Carbs: 35g;   Fiber: 1g;   Sugar: 3g;  
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